During the configuration of the runner, we can specify what type of executor to use. The execution of the job is delegated to an “executor”. Several runners can (and should) run in parallel, allowing the whole infrastructure to scale.

A runner is a software able to receive from GitLab a job, execute it, and send back the result to GitLab. This file contains the commands to execute (a batch of commands is called “job”) on the specified runner. Using this YAML file we can configure the CI/CD behavior: what should happen on every commit or merge request, what should happen at scheduled times, and many many more.
How to setup gitlab for mac how to#
How To Install and Configure GitLab on Ubuntu 16.04.

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How to setup gitlab for mac download for windows#
Download for macOS Download for Windows (64bit) Download for macOS or Windows (msi) Download for Windows. Downloads: 0 This Week Last Update: See Project 21. While logged into your GitLab account on, follow these steps: Select your avatar and click on settings. Which will copy the SSH key in text form to your clipboard. Note: Update folder is for beta pre-1.0.0 updates only, to download download the entire repository from gitlab. Or if you’re using RSA: cat /.ssh/idrsa.pub clip.